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This is an amazing true story, beautifully written and illustrated, and

full of the life-lessons of persistence, commitment, compassion, empathy, pride and neighborliness across generations. Don’t miss the last five pages, which are full of educational, factual information. - Sue Smock, Book Partner and Co-Founder, San Marino Toy and Book Shoppe



Maezie’s Pumpkin Patch is a story about the healing power that hope, perservence, friendship, and community have in the face of disappointment. It is a story that will delight young readers and grandparents, animal lovers and gardeners, teachers and chaplains. This book is rich with possibility for all who want to pass along important lessons. Children will delight in the illustrations and everyone will wish they could meet Maezie and visit her pumpkin patch. - Marianne V.V. Ryan, D.Min, School Administrator



Maezie’s Pumpkin Patch is a notable book. It is also a true story about 95 year old Maezie who grows giant, prize pumpkins each year. That is until the year that vandals wreck her beautiful pumpkin patch. Not only did it hurt Maezie, but also her entire neighborhood and town, which rallied together to support Maezie. She shared the seeds she could salvage so that the next year the neighborhood glowed orange from all the pumpkins everyone grew!

Kudos goes to author Lynn Martin Snowden for featuring an elder who is not a grandmother. Many picture books feature grandparents as the only elders in a child’s life. It shows young readers not only diversity in our population, but also that a person of any age can be a heroine and a model to others. Illustrator Kyle Sydney Powell’s ink and wash paintings aptly convey the mood of each page. Young readers will have fun following the secondary stories of the numerous animals, especially the squirrel, cat, and dog. This book can be used in classrooms, home libraries, and in neighborhood community gardens as an inspiration. It has guidelines in the back for growing pumpkins. Coming out soon will be a companion lesson plan book. The book is highly recommended for ages 5-10, and for read-aloud to preschoolers. - Judith Nasse

Maezie's Pumpkin Patch Title

based on a true story

© 2014 by Maezie's Pumkpin Patch and Petunia Publications

Website design by Kyle Sydney Powell


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