Tis the Season! for Maezie's Pumpkin Patch.
Somehow it's September already! We have a beautiful and busy fall coming up of school visits, book signings, art lessons, and more. Can't...

Happy Birthday! Maezie's Pumpkin Patch turns ONE !
Pumpkins in the patch grow and grow, school and library visits get booked, AND we celebrate Maezie's Pumpkin Patchs' first year out in...

Happy Spring! Let's Get Planting!
Join us this SPRING for a PUMPKIN PLANTING COUNTDOWN and all things good... community, art, planting, reading, digging, playing... and...

Your Purchase of Our Book Goes Towards a Cause
We’ve sold five hundred books!! And have decided that for each hundred sold we will donate money, books, or our time towards a cause. We...

Book Launch at Maezie's Patch
It is hard to find the words to describe how special our book launch event was for us. I think Maezie summed it up quite well when she...

They're Here!
Petunia Publications received a pretty big shipment on August 19th... our books have arrived! #frontpage

Maezie's Garden in July
Maezie, at 95, is still at it, and hoping for the biggest pumpkin yet. While this year the pumpkins started off slowly, things are...
What the Kids Liked
Our Librarian friend Cathy shared a preview of Maezie's Pumpkin Patch with her first grade class and they gave it a resounding two thumbs...